Bethel Precinct Republican Voters NEEDED!

Tired of the Lies

You have been told your whole life that you can't fight City Hall,

BUT, the truth is that YOU ARE CITY HALL!  YOU are the government of Georgetown County and South Carolina and supposedly, the USA!


YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  It all starts with getting involved in local politics and the political parties.


  We will show you have to to win in this community, how to win in THIS county, how to win in SC and how to win in the USA by helping President Trump.  You have to BE the government not complain about it.   You have the power and we will teach you how to use it in November and again in March 2025 to WIN!

Why can't SC and Georgetown win when we have a Republican majority?


Ever heard of a RINO?

They are Republicans In Name Only.  That means they are either democrats who lie about being a Republican or Republican officials who VOTE DEMOCRAT.  Either way, you don't get what you voted for, the Republican (GOP) Platform!


In Georgetown County a certain "portion" of the county that is relatively new tries to run the whole county.  You probably know who we are talking about...but you can get your voice heard by voting at the polls and voting in the party.  

BUT, how will you know who the RINOs are?


If you want us to contact you and show you how to get started, just send us a little info.

We are your neighbors and will follow up shortly.

Name *
Email *
Phone or Cellphone
Street Address (we know the town)
How did you find us? *